Sunday, November 14, 2010

November 8, 2010

Hey mom!!

Things are going good for me. Ya it has actually been REALLY warm here. I dont understand haha. It hasn't snowed at all yet. Apparently it is supposed to snow on thursday? At least that is what people tell us. But we will see, during the mornings it is chilly and at night. But during the day its like 70-80. It is really warm for November. My companion wants it to be REALLY cold, apparently he likes it like that. I'm not too excited haha. But it's supposed to start cooling off a lot this week. And also another thing that happened, Daylight savings ended or whatever. So we jumped back an hour, and now when we wake up its already daylight at 630 and yesterday it got dark at 530, like pitch black. So that is exciting.

Ya i think the mission is different with everyone. It depends how you look at things, and how you look at the things that are kinda thrown your way. I have known Elder's that have gone home and call back and like check up see how things are doing. Or Elder's i have heard about that after they are released they just cry for hours, cuz they can feel the mantle get lifted off.

Last week we went to the Olympic Training Center. It's here in Springs. It was way cool. And we saw people training and stuff. I will send a few pictures so you can see :)

Also, yesterday was the coolest day ever. We had the opportunity to meet an Apostle of the Lord. Russel M. Nelson came to Colorado Springs and all the missionaries in the mission came together and he talked to us. And we got to shake is hand. It was incredible. I can't really describe how amazing it was. When i shook his hand, you could just feel the power and authority that that man had. It just reaffirmed how these men really are called of God. Elder Nelson is like the smartest person i have ever met. He is a genious. He knows Spanish fluently, hebrew and greek. He just took the scriptures and disected them. And told us all these crazy things, and how it compares to the Hebrew and Greek version and all this crazy stuff. The man is genious. You could just tell he was a man of God. It was such a cool experience. :)

Well i guess that is all i have for this week. I love you all!! I will attach some pictures.

Elder David Kingsley

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