Friday, October 15, 2010

October 10, 2010

I'm doing good. Things are going better so nothing to worry about!! :) Man sounds like you had a pretty busy week!! Glad Things are going good though. :) Man time just flies by doesn't it? Before I know it I will be at a year. I can't believe it!!

Things are going good in Springs. It's starting to get really cold, ha well for me. Like this morning we walked to the Libray and it is really cloudy and was sprinkingly, i'm guessing it was like 50 but with the Wind Chill it was about 40-45. So pretty nice. I really like it but at the same time it's just starting haha. Umm just so you know, no i took out that 40 bucks because the bike i was using broke so i thought hey i can fix it and ride it, and so it got fixed and cost 45 bucks. So i paid it and then two days later something else broke. So i was really frustrated. I just have the worst luck with bikes. So i feel really bad having to use more money to buy a bike, I'm sorry! :(

I really like Sunday's. We still work and everything, but i like being able to go to church and stuff. It's fun. But at the same time Sunday's are hard cuz your trying to get people to church, find rides, and things like that. 3 Companions is definately way different then it was in the MTC. haha. It's pretty crazy. Idk if i will be staying here in Springs, i had a little feeling i might be going to Alamosa again. But we will see. I will most likely stay here. And if i do i will probably be with Elder Guzman again and now there are going to be 4 people living in our apartment when transfers start, so that is probably gonna be crazy. I'm probably gonna be buying some winter clothes today. i found a sweater thing that i have kind of been wearing, but i might buy some other things today. So we will see.

I kinda had a really cool expereince last week. But i will be sharing that with you later!! I might buy like some pull up bar thing or something too. Cuz man I'm getting fat haha. I need to start losing weight!! I hate it!! But i have just been accpeting it haha. But now i just wanna lose it all!!

What else is pretty cool that happened this past week. Oh ya i really like Wheat Thins I found out. I think i told you, but it's weird, ever since i have been on my mission i like things that i didnt use to like. I love Shrimp now. I have eaten it a bunch. And like just little things, I just eat it haha.

Umm well I guess that is all for me. Thank you for all you do and all the sacrifices. Sorry for just having the worst luck with bikes in the entire world haha.

Love you all
Elder Kingsley

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

More Pictures

My comp is the one in the blue hat, then there's Elder Chavez and Alonso

My awesome bowling skills

October 4, 2010

Hey mom!

Happy Late Birthday.

Man its starting to get COLD up here. Haha. At least for me. Like yesterday morning when we were gonig to conference it was like 49 degrees and the member taht gave us a ride had the windows down the whole time. Its like a 15 min drive haha. It was cold!! And at night when the sun goes down it gets really cold. So i'm probably gonna go out a buy a light jacket or something, cuz i dont even have one of those. But Just so you know.

Conference was awesome!! I especially enjoyed the Priesthood session. I thought that one was AMAZING!! And like every talk was just powerful. Elder Kearon's talk in the priesthood session was really awesome too. And then yesterday it was a little bit harder to get things out of conference cuz we were in our normal building and we watched it in spanish. So i dont know how much i retained from it, but when the talks come out i'm definately gonna read them. They were still really powerful. I'm just not fluent in spanish yet :)

Yesterday in between sessions the president of the branch showed us some mormon messages cuz we havent seen anything. And there is one that i really liked, its poweful. Its called Forgiveness or something like that. Look it up on youtube if you havent seen it, its really good. Its about a guy Named Chris williams i think. Also go online to and look at the new commercials the church has. They are really cool. They are showing them in springs but we ahvent seen any so they showed us some yesterday. Cuz like i said Springs is a testing spot. There are bilboards foro too. So its really cool!!

Ahhh the mail man, man that was just a huge pain. Because our names werent on the thing like when you open the box. He was sending everything that he recieved back. And you would think he would notice it changing cuz it switches pretty much every 6 weeks. But for some reason he decided to do that, man so annoying. I feel bad for everyone that sent letters. Sorry!! But ya we talked to the guy and he said for now on he will leave any letter that says Elder in it. So you can send it back to my house if you want. But there are only two weeks left in the transfer so just so you know. Oh ya and we ahve another comp with us for these last 2 weeks, due to some circumstances. SO that should be interesting. His name is Elder camarillo!! Well i guess that is all for this week.

Things are going good.
I love you all

Elder Kingsley

Some Pictures To Make You Smile

September 30, 2010

Hello Mother and Father!!

Yep I'm doing great. I know its been a while. But i went to this leadership training thing monday tuesday and wednesday. It was from like 7am to 5pm. So We have P-day today and then another one on Monday!! So this week will go by fast especially with Conference coming up.

This transfer has been the worst with mail so far. Also for the fact i think my mail man screwed something up and was sending mail back. Because he didnt think anyone lived there? This has been happening for like the past week. So that is kinda frustrating. So to anyone that got a letter sent back that is why.

This Leadership Conference was the most amazing thing i have ever attended. It's so crazy to see. The mission is changing, as well as the church. The church is putting out a new program on and they have a bunch of commercials. I dont know if you have heard of it. But Springs is one out of the 7 places that they are testing it out in. It is really cool. But the Leadership Conference. Man i cant even describe how amazing it was. How strong the spirit was. My testimony was so strengthened on like everything. The 2nd day was the best. We talked a lot about the Book of Mormon. And it really is true how the Spirit only testifies of Truth. Becuase i dont think i have ever felt the spirit as strongly as i did on that day. Just the whole day was FILLED with the spirit it was amazing.

And on Monday night we applied what we had learned and we went to an investigators house and we knelt down to pray at the end and asked her to pray. She gave a sincere prayer and at the end, she just said i feel a burning in my chest, man the spirit was so strong. We are actually learning these new lessons that the Church has put out. And as we have seen the more we use them and what we have learned, the more success we have. And it is so true!! SO i'm super excited to share this with everyone. Man it was an amazing 3 days. Super exhausting but rejuvinating at the same time. Oh and Im SO EXCITED for conference. Wow it is gonna be an amazing weekend!!

Well I'm trying to think of what else i can write to you. This week was a long and fun week. But i will be writing you again on Monday. But if maybe you could send me some stamps that would be cool. Well i love you all.

Have an amazing weekend!!

Love elder kingsley

P.s. I'm not quite sure which mconkie it is. I will try to find out.

September 20, 2010

Hey mom!!

Ya this week was pretty good actually. I liked it a lot. I had a really cool experience when i was on companion exchanges. We were just tracting some houses and we knocked on this ladies house and her door was open and she yelled. "are you the mormons or jehovahs"? SO we told her and she came to the door. Well her screen door was kinda broke so elder Alonso offered to fix it, so as he was fixing it she let me inside and i began talking with her. I found out that missionaries had passed by a bunch of times but she had never let them in. So i asked her, well what made you let us in? And she looks at me and says, "well you have red hair, and i really like red hair" (Oh by the way this lady is in her 70's or so) And so i was just like wow well thank you. (So then i thought well man maybe the Lord used me to get into her house.) So we kept talking and we started talking about the church and the apostasy and restauration and everything. And the spirit was super strong, and she just looks down and says "I have never heard this before." And so at the end we invited her to here the lessons and have the missionaries continue to come by, and she just paused for like a minute looking down, and says ya they can come by next week cuz this week im gonna be out of town. So that was a really cool experience that i had that i liked :)

Also, yes i fixed my bike thank goodness!! So we started riding bikes and then the next day.... it got stolen!! hahaha!! Awesome i know :) But Luckily, one of the elder's that went home left his bike, the only thing is that i have to buy new peddles for it haha. So i think i will doing that today.

Also yesterday we ate dinner with the son of Bruce R. McKonkie. Who is actually the stake president of our stake. So that was really cool. After we ate dinner we just talked and asked him questions and he shared with us a bunch of things so that was awesome. Oh ya, so we had stake conference yesterday as well. It was pretty cool. I think it was for like 2 other states as well. Like all the stakes in those states. Cuz it was broadcasted. And Elder Perry and Elder Ucthdorf talked to us. As well as 2 other people but Im not quite sure of there names. So ya this past week was pretty fun and exciting I definately enjoyed it :)

Last P-day we went to the dance place but its a specialty dance. Its a brazilian fighting dance called Capoeira. Or something like that. i heard there are crazy videos on youtube so you can look and see what we were TRYING to do. haha. Its really cool cuz one of the ZL's here is from Brazil and there is a member that is actually in charge of the class and owns it and stuff. So he did a session with us for free and everything. It was really fun.

Well i guess that is all for this week. I love you all and thanks for everything you do :)

Elder Kingsley