Sunday, March 28, 2010

March 2010 Pictures

The Scarf Club
Elder Wiles, Me, Elder Sutton
The Matrix
Me and Elder Waite
Magic Carpet Ride
Doesn't he look like Neo?
Whose nicely made bed is this?

March 23, 2010

Hello Family!

I'm glad that you are handling it well. haha. i was quite afraid that you would freak out when i told you. I made sure to keep all the gorey details out! ;) haha. And they had an epi pen and used that. So i didnt even have to use mine, and then at the dr he prescribed me two more. So i have two more epi pens now. So I'm all good. Also i dont know if i told you, but he actually put me on a steroid prescription after the incident. It was a 6 day prescription. And it was just to make sure that nothing flared up. Cuz, (i guess i can tell you this without freaking out) when i woke up the next morning my chest hurt, and i have never had an experience where my chest hurt the next day. So the steriod pills took care of that. I'm doing great!!

And i do remember the father's blessing that dad gave me, however i didnt remember it at the time. I just thought wow, how blessed am i to have my life spared multiple times. But dad sent me a letter and let me know. So thank you for that. I'm glad you shared that with Bishop Gardner and Whetten. It's a weird feeling being up here. And thinking about what is happening at home. I have already began to see some of the fruits of my labor, the blessings of other people by me being out here. I never thought that so many blessings would come to me and others while i was out here. Its an incredible experience.

So nothing super exciting happened this past week. We lost our first district that i was actually really close with on tuesday. It was sad, i love those guys. But were moving on and getting a group of nuevos today. And im excited cuz when we got here the first night all the elder's played this huge trick on us. We are planning to that to the Nuevos tonight. I cant wait. haha. It's gonna be a little bit weird not being the younger ones anymore. I have been up here for 3 weeks. 1/3 of the way done. Pretty crazy.

I guess one last thing i will share is an experience My companions and I had yesterday. We do mock teaching, but make it as real as possible. And so we were teaching yesterday to a man named Napoleon. He is this older mexican man, he is super nice i love him. But we were teaching and just trying to follow the spirit on what we should teach him. The lesson ended and we thought it went really well and just left. And then a little later we had a teacher come up and say, "you elders taught Napoleon right?" and we were just like ya. And then he said i just wanted to let you know that he came and talked to me and said how much he felt the spirit when we taught him. He said it was incredible and he was asking how long we have been here and he told him 3 weeks, and he said, no there is no way that's possible. And then he said that Napoleon said he felt like he was reconverted again.

It was crazy. Because i thought it went well, but i had no idea it affected him that much. And so i thought about it and thought about how we can apply to everything. We never know how we are gonna affect someone's life. So that's why we need to strive to always be that example of Christ in anyone's life. Because you never know who you could affect. Idk. It was just a really cool experience.

Spanish is going well, getting frustrated and times. But i tend to catch on eventually. Hopefully by the time i leave i will be pretty decent. But ya. I guess thats all. Thank you for all your support. I love you all. Keep writing. Im doing terrific. Have a great week!

Elder Kingsley

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 17, 2010

my keyboard is being dumb and wont let me capitalize or do exclamation points. so i promise i am a happy person. haha.
im glad you got those letters. i printed off a bunch more, of different ones that i might be sending down in a little bit. its good to hear that everything is giong super well down in the az.

so a lot has happened this past week. i will only share a few things. one thing that was interseting is i met two elders who are going to india, and im very jealous. apparently only elders who trace back in the generations to india or have like some type of indian blood in them are allowed to go, and its an actually mission not a service one. i talked to them for like 15 min about how i had been interested and stuff. it was really cool.

one thing that happened this week was, mom hold your breathe, i had to go the er on saturday.

so we went to dinner on saturday and i got this thai noodle thing not thinking anything of it. and i ate the whole thing. after i finished eating my lip was swollen and my chest was hurting, so i decided to go take some benadryll and go to class. 20 min later things werent getting better they were actually worse, my face was bright red and swollen, and i felt like i had hives all over my body, and my chest killed. so we went to the front desk and called the dr. they ended up giving me the epi pen shot and taking me to the hospital, where i recieved a nice shot in the hip and 4 pills. it was quite the experience.

dont worry about me, everything is perfectly fine, and im doing great. i just now know to never trust the asians. ha apparently it was cooked in peanut oil or had peanuts in it and i had no idea since i have never eaten peanuts. but really dont worry about me, the lord is protecting me, and watching over me. im doing great up here and still loving it. getting to know my companions a lot better and loving them.

the other experience that was really cool, was that every tuesday night we have a devotional. last week we had a member of the 70 come in and talk to us. then this tuesday i had the opportunity to here from an apostle of the lord. quinton l cook came and talked to us. it was the craziest experience i have ever had. as soon as he walked in the spirit swept over all of us. his wife talked first and she talked about music, which i really enjoyed and she said something to the extent. "there is nothing more powerful then truth, except truth in a musical setting" something like that. it was really awesome. its been hard cuz apparently we are ona music fast so i havent been able to listen to any music up here cuz it gets to out of hand? anyways elder cook came up and talked and it was so powerful. i had a lot on my mind and he addressed so many things that i had been thinking about. the lord really loves us, and has these amazing apostles that lead and guide us. at the end of the meeting he blessed us, it was the most spiritual thing i have ever experienced. it was amazing to a part of his blessing, he blessed me. it was amazing.

anyways, things are going great up here still. its crazy i have been here two weeks. it feels like 2 months haha. but im loving it, and im working out. ya baby. haha and eating healthier. i havent had a soda for about a week. yes. ha. well i love you all. write me.

elder kingsley

Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 11, 2010

Pictures, Finally!
Elder Jones y I.
Left 5 days after I got there. He was in the oldest district when I got there. Their district was awesome. But if I would have gotten to know him longer we would be best friends. He is awesome! He is 25!
Elder Morris y I.
One of my favorite Elders. He is awesome!

I happened to come upon Elder Crandall y Elder Palmer at the temple.

Me and Elder Morris being awesome!
On P-dia
Elder Anderson and I.
Funny awesome Elder in my zone.
I have so many amazing friends.
District 40b minus hermanas
Starting from left
Elder Waite
Elder Egan (back)
Elder Struthers
Elder Pierson (back)
Elder Ledee
Elder Morris (back)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March 10, 2010

Oh my goodness!!!!!! We have just spent the last like 15 min of our 30 min trying to figure out how to set up an email account. We finally got it set up so I have like 15 min to write everything.
There is so much that has happened this past week. It's incredible to think that I actually have been here for a whole week. So yes if you don't know, this is my P day. Wednesday are my P days.

So pretty much I am loving it up here. There is so much to say and write about. I don't even know where to begin. I love my Zone. They are so awesome and I have gotten to know them a lot better then I used to. Its so much fun. I'm thinking about sending home some pictures in a little bit so you might have some of those. We had our first district leave on Tuesday. It was really sad. They were the district that kinda brought us in and made us feel like home. They are all great Elders.

So, it seriously feels like i have been in the MTC for months. The days are long, and you learn so much. The first day at the MTC was the longest day of my life and it wasn't even full day. Everyone was telling us that it seemed long, but if we wait until after Sunday things will start flying by. Which is definitely the truth. Its already Wednesday this week and Monday and Tuesday have kind of just blended together. Its pretty awesome though.

Spanish is crazy. I seriously learned more then I learned in my 2 years of Spanish in the first 3 days at the MTC. We can already pray in Spanish, bear our testimony in Spanish. Yesterday we had our first contact in Spanish. Which is like coming up to a person and introducing yourself and sharing a message about the Gospel then setting up a time that we can come back. It was intense. I definitely don't know how I'm understanding Spanish this well. Well I guess I do, obviously being up here and learning more about the gospel and having the spirit with me is definitely helping me out a lot. My goal is to memorize 25 words a day. Es muy dificil. But I'm trying.

Sunday was like the best day this week. It was our fast sunday and the spirit was so strong. We got to know our branch presidency, who by the way are quite amazing. I love them they are so awesome. But we had a testimony meeting and we had a lot of different meetings. Overall the Sunday was quite amazing. But the day that sticks out to me was yesterday. I had quite a couple of experiences.

So yesterday we did 3 contacts in Spanish, which was incredible. We then went on to teach the first lesson in English. But they told us to try and get to know the investigator and help him with his needs. So if that means take the lesson in a different direction we do that. So we were talking to him a little then taught the first two principles and then Elder Struthers started asking him a little more about him. and I was confused, and wanted to keep the lesson going but I decided to let him go with it. Then we found out he had a couple of health conditions and things weren't going to well. So then I thought, we need to go somewhere else with this lesson. And I was gonna interrupt Elder Struthers and take it that way, but I had a feeling just to wait. So I did, and he ended up taking it the EXACT way that I wanted to take it. It was an incredible experience. It was just a testament to me that the spirit speaks the truth to everyone. It was awesome. Then I had the opportunity to be a part of a blessing that night to an hermana that was having a rough time and wasn't feeling good. It was a powerful experience.

Well my time is running low and I have written quite a bit. Just know things are going well and I'm doing well up here. :) I hope everything is going well for everyone back in the valley. I am thinking about you. Have everyone write letters!! They are like precious jewels. hahaha.

Well Love you all,
Elder Kingsley

March 4, 2010

Hello Mother & Father & Family,

Today is Thursday and so far things are going great. Wednesday was a little slow and I was exhausted but everyone here has told us that once we hit Sunday that the days just fly by and kind of just start meshing together.

Well the flight up here was nice. There were about like 7 other missionaries going to SLC which was crazy. Sat next to a nice Canadian woman who ate peanuts! Oh No! And she wasn't a member but we talked a lot about Canada and such. Also a nice Australian LDS couple sat to my left and introduced themselves. And we talked a little bit which was pretty cool.

Met TONS of elders at SLC. As you know they took us on the shuttle and I made it to the MTC without dying. Ha. But so far its been a great experience. Everyone here is nice to us (because we have the orange dot). But that should be going away today. Our district has 3 sisters and 7 elders. Our district is pretty awesome. Unfortunately, no one is going to Colorado in my district. The guys in our zone are awesome. And there are two elders going to Colorado. And also our zone leader is from Kansas and was telling us where we might be. And how I would meet his family and they would treat me well.

It's pretty much a party up here which I never would have guessed. Yesterday night some elders brought me and my companions (trio) into our room and pretty much tried to scare us. They brought this hugs Samoan and he was staring me down the whole time and I couldn't stop laughing. I knew something was up. Those guys are all awesome Elders.

My companions are Elder Struthers, who is an awesome guy. He was normally going to go to CO Springs. But he has a walking condition where he wouldn't be able to do what was needed. So he got reassigned to Texas. Then the other Elder's name is Elder Pzirson. He is from Canada and didn't get in until late last night. He is going to Mesa so look for him in two months. He is a great guy. Speaking Spanish though.

Well it's going great up here. I'm loving it. We had a great teaching practice that helped us try to get to know the investigators. Well, I love you guys!

Elder Kingsley

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Saying Goodbye

Well, here is the first post on Elder Kingsley's blog. I am David's sister and I am using this blog to help keep friends and family updated on David's happenings in the mission field. David has waited a long time for this day and now it is finally here! We are so blessed to have such an amazing person in our family and look forward to sharing his journey with him.
Our last family photo for 2 years.
David saying goodbye to Olivia in Utah.
Here he is with the proud parents at the airport.
Freddy and Macy adore their Uncle David. Freddy will be 7 and Macy will be 5 1/2 when David returns.
My family with David at the airport.
. . . and he's off!