Thursday, April 22, 2010

April MTC Pictures

My souvenirs are up on my wall!
Ok, so we were trying to make our faces red and took this picture and I decided to send this to you because . . .
Imagine my face ten times more red and poofier. That's what I looked like when I ate peanuts. Ha ha. J/k but really. Love you Mom!
Elder Smith and I with his "white man lava lava"
Elder Sutton and I after working out in our dorm.

Elder Clontz-on the left
Elder Mozer-on the right
Both were in my zone. Left to Colorado Springs two weeks ago. They are awesome.
Chillin in class
Mi escritorio.
My study area in my room. I set up my scrips to look pretty. But the rest is what it normally looks like.
Just chillin in my room.
I'm happy I promise. Ha ha

Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 13, 2010

Things are going good this week. This week went by pretty quick. I have been pretty busy especially with being a zone leader and stuff. Which by the way has been pretty fun. I have been able to get to know a lot of the elder's on a more personal level then i would have if i wasnt zone leader. That doesnt mean we havnt already had problems. hahaha. But it's really fun and requires a lot of love and patience. Its great.

I have actually missed playing the bass up here. I have talked to a few elder's who played cello or something and we just talk about different music. And it totally made me want to play the bass. So keep that, who know's what will happen when i get back. And im excited, becuase one of our teacher's Hermano Sheide is trying to get us to have a district devotional together in spanish, and he was saying he might be able to get a guitar or two and me and this other elder cuz play a hymn, so i hope that goes through, cuz i havent played an instrument in what seems like forever.

Yesterday was an incredible day. On a pretty awesome note, we as a zone, decided we were going to eat all of the Marshmallo Matey's. As a zone. They put all their cereals in these dispensers things and its pretty awesome. So we just went to town. We ended up eating about 50+ bowls of marshmallow mateys. We completely emptied it. And it was so awesome cuz all the cereals around them were completely full except ours. We were so proud, you might be getting an awesome picture. So prepare yourself.

On a more serious note. We taught our second lesson in spanish and i loved it. I thought it went great. My spanish is coming a long more and more each week. And the spirit was super strong and im super excited to leave. Still pretty nervous. Also, i had what was probably the most spiritual moment of my life yesterday. We have devotionals every tuesday. And we had a member of the first quorum of the 70 there. Elder Glen L. Pace. It was the most incredible talk i have ever heard. The spirit was so incredible, i cant even describe it. It was a very spiritual sacred thing. He was talking and said "I asked them not to record this devotional tonight, in case i was prompted to share something that is sacred." And me and this other elder just looked over at each other in awe... Like oh my gosh whats gonna happen. It was seriously the most spiritual night of my life probably. Incredible.

Anyways im glad things are going great. I only have one more bag of seeds left. haha. I guess we go through those pretty quick. But that isn't saying that you have to send more haha. Thank you for all your prayers and all your love. Im learning more and more each day and i have been so blessed. And as for my leave date? I honestly have no idea. I'm pretty sure its like May 5th? But we will be getting our flight plans like next Thursday. Can you believe that? HOLY COW. haaha. Its so crazy how fast time has flown, i can't believe I'm 3 weeks away from entering into the field.

Well i love you all, you are all in my prayers. Stay strong!!

Elder Kingsley

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 6, 2010

Hello Familia.
I am doing really well. I'm learning tons. Spanish is crazy, but im loving it. I love speaking in spanish. It sounds so much cooler then english. haha. And im pretty sure that i sing better in spanish, but who knows. ha. I think i will be sending a couple more pictures, those will probably be the last im not sure. Can you believe i already have been here a month? Its so crazy! haha. 5 more weeks to go, then i will be in Colorado :)

So not much knew has really happened this week. I had a couple interesting experiences i guess you could say. On saturday we were all just chilling eating lunch when i get tapped on the shoulder. Its this sister missionary, and she was like where are you from? And i told her, and she was just like I KNEW IT! And i was confused. And she said that she went went to Taylor Jr. High. and that when i was in 7th grade she was in 9th grade. And she remembered me because she said that she was in choir and i came in and gave a bunch of 9th grade girls my picture and she said that i thought i was so cute. haha. We all just about died laughing. I could not believe that i did that. And then she was like ya and i think i might still have it, but i saw you and you looked so familiar and i had to ask. It was really funny. I dont know if i really did that, haha...

Umm also, Me and my comps were called as Zone Leaders this past Sunday, but it doesnt go into affect until this monday. I'm not sure how i feel about it yet. haha. But hopefully everything will go great. Im sure i will learn a lot and be able to work on serving others.

I'm glad to hear that freddy is okay. I definately was keeping in him my prayers. He looks so cute in his pictures. I love and miss you all.

Thank you for sending me some stuff i asked for. If there is anything i would like for you to send me would maybe be, David Sunflower Seeds. haha. I am just craving some. But dont go overboard if you send some, i know dad, and he would send me a whole mission supply of sunflower seeds, haha. So remember i leave in 5 weeks :) Love ya dad.

Well things are going great. The days are mushing together. I honestly dont even know when easter is, and i know conference is this weekend which im really excited for. It will probably be the first conference where i dont fall asleep in any session, well hopefully... ha. But I am way stoked. We will be watching it from the MTC, so unfortunately you wont be able to see me in the priesthood choir. Im pretty sure i would be easily noticed, red hair and all.

Thank you so much for all your support and prayers. Remember i love letters, haha. So keep sending them. Until next week.

Elder Kingsley