Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July 18, 2010

Hey mom!!
Things are going good. This past week went by pretty fast. Its crazy i only have a week left in this transfer and i could be going somewhere. Everyone in the Valley thinks that I'm leaving and to Colorado Springs. But we will see Monday. This past week was pretty interesting and fun. I got a hair cut and look pretty dashing I might say. ha but other then that we have been teaching.

I have a good feeling were gonna have a baptism this weekend. Of a kid, idk if i told you about the family that the parents cant get baptized cuz he is still married but living with a different wife? Like he wants to be divorced but they dont have the money to do it. But him and his kids have gone to church the past three weeks. So we think were gonna baptize him this weekend which would be way cool!! We went to a little member Birthday party and played pin the tail on the donkey and musical chairs. haha. It was pretty cool. I won musical chairs and won some sticky hands :) Also went out to eat with some members that are 19 and 16 and they are way cool guys. But it was funny cuz we were talking about age and they asked me how old i was and i told them 19 and he freaked out. He was like WHAT? ? I thought you were 21-22. And then when he found out he is two months older then me he freaked out even more. And so we went back to his house and he ask his brother and he said 20-21. But i dont belive it haha. I have never looked old in my entire life, i have always looked younger. So it was weird.

And on Sunday it was the Primary program. Which was pretty cool haha. When we first got church there were only like 5 little kids. But later more showed up and so they had about like 10 kids up there, and they sang a lot of the songs in english, so a lot of the people couldnt understand i dont think. And then they talked into the mic and stuff. Haha it was way cool. All the little kids are funny. Man I'm sorry to hear about the weather down there. The weather up here makes me very sweaty unless its cloudy. And it has been really cloudy and rainy this past week. It was like 55 during the day, Awh man it was so nice haha. And I dont know if i told you this last letter, apparently it starts getting cold in the Valley around August. So ya. ha. Well hey i guess thats about all for this week. Until next week.

Love you mom and Dad,
Elder Kingsley

July 11, 2010


Things are going good. So we have a p day today you know, and we just had one on wednesday. But it literally feels like a whole week had passed by haha. Nothing too exciting has happened this past week. It was short, We had like 5 non members come to church on Sunday! It was awesome!! Oh ya, so i had to give a talk yesterday in sacrement meeting. It was my first time actually giving a talk. I have talked in sacrement meeting like 3 times but never supposed to have given a talk. So they wanted us to talk for ten min each. And i was thinking okay i can do that, i did like 20 at my farewell. So i was supposed to talk about prayer and things like that. So i get up there and im talking and do my thing. Then E olivares goes and he does his thing, and he comes down and i ask him "Hey how long did i talk"? And he was like about 4 min!!! HA and i was like WHAT!? To me it felt like i was up there forever talking haha. I guess talking in Spanish is a little different. So next time i talk i will have to make sure i just talk forever even if i repeat myself a lot.

Well it rained quite a bit this past week. it was nice and it made tracting nice too. It rained like 4 days and had cloud coverage. Its the most rain we have had since i have been here. Cuz usually the rain sprinkles for like 5 min and then the clouds disappear haha. But this weekend was nice. I'm trying to think of some funny stories that happened this past week, but i cant remember anything. Man one thing that has happened since i have been on my mission, i have lost my memory. I cant remember doing things or i remember things that i thought was with E Castillo but it was really with E Olivares. haha. Its bad!

JAKE is going to BOLIVIA!? That is SO tight!! Tell him Congrats and I'm super proud of him!! Man that is super super exciting!! We will be able to speak spanish to each other when we get back haha :) Man that time is gonna fly and he is gonna be leaving before he knows it. Tell him that, Cuz i had to wait three months and those three months FLEW!! But its awesome, he is gonna love it. Tell him to write me or something, cuz i dont think i have his address. So just give him my mission address cuz i would love to write him. And Nathan turned in his papers too? What the heck that is so weird haha. Everyone is getting old, and yet I I I Dont even feel old. Sometimes it hits me that I'm really a missionary. I dont feel 19, idk its a weird feeling. And Ray too? Wow that sounds crazy!! I need to write him, i havent written him since i was in the MTC. But I'm glad he is doing good too. he is coming up on his year mark soon, Man thats so crazy to think how fast time flies, at least it feels that way for me.

So just curious, I dont know if you want to try and preserve my bass or not, but if you want you can put those damp its in it to try and help that if you want. And maybe play it a little bit? haha. Cuz when I come back, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna wanna keep playing it. It was weird for some reason right before my mission i really got into orchestral music again and all that stuff. So maybe its supposed to happen like that. Idk But as of right now when i come back i wanna go into some orchestra whether it be MCC or not, i dont care.

Things for me are going good. Its crazy this transfer has flown by. We only have 2 weeks left in the transfer. It flew by. Time is starting to fly by, It's insane. Were working hard to try to baptize and get people to church. Other then that were doing great. I'm loving in out here In alamosa. You guys are lucky you get to go see John and them. That sounds like a blast. You can pretty much do whatever you want now huh? haha. That sounds like a blast!!

Well i love you mom and Dad. i hope you have a great week!!

elder david kingsley

July 4, 2010


So man this week was LONG!! hahah. Only because we worked 8 days without a P-day. And the reason was, cuz for the fourth of July it was on a Sunday and the "day off" was on monday so they wanted us to work on monday. And then we just had interviews with President yesterday so that's why im having pday today. It was long but fast. And this week is gonna fly by cuz we are going to have pday again on monday. So ya it was pretty cool. 4th of July was alright. It was kinda my first holiday out in the mission. We could see some fireworks from our room. I'm doing good though. We should be having a baptism the 17 or 18 :) This past saturday we had D and A's wedding. It was awesome we got to go (they have been investigating since January and just needed to get married) And so they got married and we got to be ushers and help out. And man it was awesome full of tons of mexican food :0 haha im getting so fat! But A is so tight. He is like 40 but we just chill with him and talk, he is like our buddy. So im super excited for that.

Sometime this week Im going to be having Cachete (i think you spell it that way) and Cabeza. Im super excited. One of the members bought a cow head cuz i was wanting to try it, and she said she would make it for me. Cachete is the cheek of the cow, and cabeza is the brain. I have heard it is really good. And Hma G is a really good cook so im excited for that. And there is a little meat shop in town here. So E. Olivares and I and two other missionaries are gonna go there one day for lunch or something and buy some Rocky Mountain Oyesters. Ha. So we will see how that guys. You have to try everything right?

John sent some pictures of Olivia. And man she is BIG haha. Compared to when i saw her!! Thats crazy!! She is way cute too. Same with Alice :) So my spanish is getting a lot better i think. President told E. Olivares to only speak to me in spanish, of course it has happened that way all the time. But were working on it. Im learning a lot and can understand and speak a lot better. Im enjoying it. Who knows if i will stay here another transfer or leave. But either way it will be cool. Eventually i want to go to Kansas, either Garden city or Dodge City, cuz thats where TONS of hispanics are. Like apparently just walking around the majority you talk to are hispanics. So that would help a lot i think. Hmmm What else.... Im not really sure. I guess thats all. But you will be hearing from me on Monday again.

Love ya!!
Elder Kingsley

June 27, 2010

Dear Madre!!

Things are doing good this past week. To be honest this transfer is going WAY faster then the last transfer. Its pretty crazy how fast it is going. So with that guy R R that we found, found out that he had been taught like a year ago and had gone to church a bunch of times so we were excited. But then we also found out that the reason he wasnt baptized is cuz he is not divorced from his first wife and is living with his new wife. And i dont know exactly why he cant be divorced, i think its just cuz it costs a lot of money, like 600 bucks or something like that. So idk what were gonna be doing for him. Hopefully finding a way to get that resolved. Were needing to find more people to teach, its just hard cuz i feel i have talked to everyone haha. Especially the Hispanics, cuz there are spots where hispanics are heavily populated. Its funny, cuz they all know us. Like yesterday night we had to help a lady move into these apartment complexes "Tierra Nueva". ONLY hispanics live there. And we go there ALL the time, and we werent in our proslyting clothes cuz we were moving stuff. But EVERYONE was watching us two, cuz they knew us, that we are the "Mormons" haha. It was funny. Im kinda getting used to everyone staring at us all the time. Like after this we go to walmart, and everyone just stares at us, its funny. ha.

So we did some service this last week as well helping out the english elders. We Seeded a ladies lawn. Like we had to do everything though. It took us like 4 or 5 hours to doo. But guess what i forgot to doo? haha. You know me mom, sunscreen. I got probably the worst burn i have ever had haha. My neck is peeling super bad and looks ugly right now. But im good. Its funny to cuz i look back and i had a chance to put sunscreen on cuz the lady brought some out, but i didnt, and so i paid the consequences haha. Its not that bad. But i might send a picture sometime. Hey by the way, did you get the pictures i sent like a couple emails ago and stuff? I just wasnt sure if you had.

I guess i had another pretty cool experience this past week. We were tracting and it was getting close to go home, and we were walking by a park and i saw this guy playing basketball. And as soon as i saw him i pictured like how i was gonna talk to him and how everything would play out. So we kept walking and then E. Olivares was like alright lets go back and turns around before we even got to him. And so i turn around and I'm just thinking i need to talk to this guy. So i kinda turn around as were walking and am just looking at him. And E. Olivares is just like what? And I told him I need to go talk to him. So he said okay and we went and did. And I walked over there and started talking to him, and everything happened the way that i had pictured it. We just started chatting about stuff and he was like hey wanna shoot the ball? And he passed hit to me, and just like every little thing and we were just chilling with him and talking to him. And ended up getting a referrall for the English Elder's. It was just really cool, I felt that the spirit realy worked through me then, and it felt really good to listen to the promptings and follow through with it.

Thank you for all the prayers and support. I appreciate and it helps a lot. Thanks for being awesome parents and always being there for me when i need you!! I love you all!! Talk to you later and you have a great week!!

Elder Kingsley

June 20, 2010

Hey Family!!

Its great to hear things are going well down there in the AZ!! Hope you had a good fathers day dad!! Sorry i couldnt send you the super cool thing you wanted. haha. but man this week has gone by really fast actually.

And its amazing how much success i have been having with E olivares. The only thing that is hard for him is that he forgets to speak to me in spanish a lot so i have to remind him. but he is my "greenie breaker" as they call it here. And he is teaching me a lot of things. apparently we didnt do somethings right when i was with E Castillo? So somethings im relearning and try to do better. But really we have had a lot of success this past week. We have like 5 new investigators that we found this past week. its awesome. I feel a baptism this transfer for sure :)

The thing that is really cool. Is when i was with e castillo there was this family that we had been trying to find. But we could never find them. The house that they were supposed to be living in was abandoned. And so then with E Olivares we went to go look for them again, and then i rememberd that they werent there and we were like what the heck? And so yesterday we were going to visit one of the New Investigators we have E. But she wasnt there. So we decided to knock the door above her. And so we did and they told us to come in. We asked him what his name was, and he said R R. And i was like no way? And it clicked. He was the guy we had been looking for, and his whole family was there too. He had been attending church a bunch and was gonna get baptized but then had to work on sundays and so he stopped coming. And so we taught him about the Restoration and he accpeted a date to be baptized July 11th! But he wants us to come back and teach all his family. He has like 8 people living with him that arent members!! how crazy is that!! Its amazing to see how the Lord works and places people in our path, because i know it was no coincidence that we foudn him. Because we had been looking for them for along time. So that was a really cool experience we had yesterday.

We had zone conference yesterday which was really good. It always is. But there is always a super strong spirit at zone conference i love them. i have a feeling this transfer is gonna fly by. Me and E Olivares are getting a long really well and things are going good.

Weather is still warm, sometimes its nice during the day but now its like 85-90. And at night its like 55-60 so thats really nice :) Im gonna die in the winters i know it!! haha. As of right now the only thing i could think that i want is maybe some spanish music cd's? Like Hymns? or something, perhaps spanish hymn arrangements if they have any? Cuz i would rather have those then the normal hymsn. Also if there are some piano arrangements of music? idk. Just types of music. i dont really havea lot. And i would love to listen to maybe some orchestra music like actual orchestra music not hymns. But idk. Ha. Thats all i can really think i want. I dont really need anything. They keep us nice and happy.

Im eating my Mac and Mustard up here. And last week i bought some pickles!! ha The first week i was here i only bought Ramen and mac and cheese, and after taht week i cahnged my mind haha and havent bought it since. i actually can buy some real food. But a lot of times we dont even need it cuz we get fed so much. Which is why im getting so fat haha. im gonna start working out harder this week and trying to eat some healthier stuff so we will see how that goes.

WEll i guess thats it for this week. You will hear from me aagin this coming Monday. Love you all, give Alice a kiss from me :) have a great week.

Elder kingsley